To ensure the timely and successful processing of workers’ compensation claims, it’s crucial for injured workers to act fast. The first step should be to notify the employer of the accident and injury, followed by filing a claim with the employer’s...
How Long Can You Receive Workers’ Comp Benefits

How Long Can You Receive Workers’ Comp Benefits

If you’ve been injured on the job in New York, you may wonder how long you can collect workers’ compensation benefits. This depends on several factors, including the severity of your injury, your age, and your occupation. New York workers’...
Reasons You Need A Workers’ Comp Lawyer

Reasons You Need A Workers’ Comp Lawyer

Your Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Will Help You Navigate the Difficult System and Help You Get the Benefits You Deserve First and foremost, navigating the workers’ comp route is complicated in and of itself. If this is your first time filing a workers’ compensation...
How Long Can You Receive Workers’ Comp Benefits

Wage Replacement and Work Comp

When you’re completely unable to work, you’ll need your benefits to replace the wages you lost while unable to work. Luckily, your workers comp benefits should provide part of the income you would have received if you were still working. If you’re completely incapable...
Slip And Falls At Your Workplace

Slip And Falls At Your Workplace

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common causes of workplace injuries, accounting for one in every four work-related injuries. Though they are often labeled minor injuries, slip and fall accidents often lead to missed time from work. When these types of...