Your Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Will Help You Navigate the Difficult System and Help You Get the Benefits You Deserve

First and foremost, navigating the workers’ comp route is complicated in and of itself. If this is your first time filing a workers’ compensation claim, then it may be overwhelming to advocate for yourself.  Your Workman’s Comp attorney will try to get you paid while you are out of work.

If you suffer an injury on the job you are entitled to workers’ comp benefits. After getting hurt on the job, it may be difficult to figure out what will happen with your income. Lawyers will ensure that you receive the temporary and permanent benefits that you are entitled to. You get temporary total disability benefits if a physician sets work restrictions for you after your injury occurs and your employer cannot accommodate those work restrictions for you. Temporary disability payments equate to two thirds of your overall average weekly wage. Additionally, lawyers will also ensure that you get the compensation you deserve when your case is over.